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Daily Schedule


Currently, we operate with a block schedule.  Class periods are 90 minutes every other day.  On Maroon Day's I teach 8th English in colloboration with Mrs. Worthington's Intro to Technology course.  On Gold Day's I teach 7 Literature.


Seminar from 7:55-8:27 am

Block 1 - PLAN from 8:32-10:00 am

Block 2 - 8 ENGLISH from 10:05-11:32 am

Junior High Lunch from 11:32-11:57 am

Block 3 - 8 ENGLISH from 11:57-1:28 pm

Block 4 - 8 ENGLISH from 1:33-3:05 pm



Seminar from 7:55-8:27 am

Block 1 - 7 LITERATURE from 8:32-10:00 am

Block 2 - PLAN from 10:05-11:32 am

Junior High Lunch from 11:32-11:57 am

Block 3 - 7 LITERATURE from 11:57-1:28 pm

Block 4 - 7 LITERATURE from 1:33-3:05 pm

Please feel free to contact me before school, after school, or during my plan.  My e-mail address is:



Karen Kroge

Upcoming Events

Contact Karen Kroge