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Superstar of the Week





this week is . . . 

Emily Ann Brungardt


Things We Learned About Emily:

Whens she grows up she wants to be a carpenter.

Her birthday is on August 25th.

Her favorite school subjects are gym, recess, and lunch : )

She is good at hugs and art.

She loves her mom and dad.

She laughs when she gets tickled.

Her favorite sport is noodle tag.

She looks forward to her birthday.

Emily’s dad came to help her with her Superstar Scientist time.  They did a rocket science experiment by using a 2 liter bottle.  They filled it with a little bit of water and had a cork that fit into the opening.  They had a pump needle poked through the cork and used an air compressor to pump air into the bottle until the pressure was too much that it pushed the air and water out the bottom of the bottle.  When the bottle was released from the “launcher”, air escaped the bottle (Newton’s third law of motion) increasing the thrust (adding more pressure to the bottle) which increased the acceleration.  The rocket shot all the way up on top of the school building!  What a fun way to start our week!

Emily was our FINAL Superstar Scientist of this school year.  You might say we went out with a little bit of a bang!






















Beth Lindstrom

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The school snack policy has been changed in the last couple of years. Please see my page about snacks along the left hand margin/or the bottom margin to read the policy for snacks.  

Library Books

We have library every FRIDAY.  Please make sure to have your child return their book each week so they have the opportunity to check out a new one. HAPPY READING!!


We have recess each morning and again after lunch.  Please pay attention to the weather forecast each day and dress your child appropriately for the weather.  Pay attention to the morning temperatures as well as the afternoon temperatures.  Don’t just look at the high temperature for the day. Tennis shoes and socks are preferred school shoes to allow for safer play on the playground.

Water Bottles

Students are strongly encouraged to bring a clean water bottle each day to keep on their desk to drink from.  It should contain only PLAIN WATER (NO kool-aid, soda, juice, gatorade, added flavors, etc.). You would be surprised at how much water a kindergartner will drink throughout the day when they have it readily available at their seats to drink as needed.  And they will drink regular plain water without needing any flavors added!

Contact Beth Lindstrom

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Current Weather

Current Condition: moderate rain

Temperature: 59.14ËšF

Feels Like: 59.18ËšF

Wind Speeds: 13.09mph

Weather humidity: 94%

Chance of Precipitation: 1%